Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Relax, Revive & Rejuvenate

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Our guests arrive looking tired, frazzled, burnt out. They have tension in their shoulders, back and neck that affects their sleep.

HideAway Haven is the perfect escape from the stresses of life. Recharge and energise your bodies during your stay with us.

Enjoy our gourmet breakfast on the deck, a perfect start to any day, explore all that Albany has to offer. At the end of the day relax in our therapeutic Jacuzzi under the open skies, and then fall asleep in your luxurious bed.

When it is time to return home, take with you the peaceful view that surrounded you while you were with us.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

It's A Small World After All

It's a Small World

There is just one moon
And one golden sun
And a smile means
Friendship to ev'ryone
Though the mountains divide
And the oceans are wide
It's a small world after all

It really is a small world. In the past month some of our guests included a couple from Holland who works with my daughter's fiance. It was nice to hear first hand what a sweet guy my daughter is engaged to.

Another couple own a holiday home in Becki's home state Idaho and have a son who lives in the same town as Becki's brother and does the same kind of work as him.

Two couples staying with us this week had had business dealings in the past although they had never actually met. They also had cricket connections with family members.

We had a couple from France and one from from England. Found out that the English couples' sister lived in the same town as the French couple.

This is a photo of our guests from Holland with us and my daughters cat 'Ragz'

We enjoy meeting people from all over the world and showing off our beautiful city of Albany

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Busy Week at HideAway Haven

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We have had a full house for the past 3 weeks so there has been a cooking frenzy happening in the kitchen, with 6 gourmet breakfasts headed out the door each morning.
Some of our guests comment that the best part of their day is checking out what is on the menu for breakfast the morning and then waiting anxiously for it to arrive the next morning. Our guests have no trouble getting up in the morning, knowing that breakfast will be waiting for them.
No matter how long you stay there will be different items to pick from each morning. We have guests that are here for 10 nights - that will be a challenge. Looking for recipes!!